How 100+ Medina Works
- Each Member commits to donating $100 per meeting ($400 per year) or commits as a team of 2 for the $100 ($400 per year total).
- Meetings are required to be one hour or less.
- Members bring a check to be written out directly to the selected charity. If a member is unable to attend a meeting she may give her check to another member to deliver on her behalf or she may mail it in after the meeting.
- All donations will be given to Medina County non-profit 501 (c) (3) organizations. Donations benefiting national charitable organizations will not be considered.
- Only Members who have signed an individual Commitment Form or a Team Commitment Form may submit an organization for consideration. All members of a team must be current with their donations for one of the members to submit an organization.
- New members may not nominate a charitable organization for consideration at the first meeting they attend.
- Members who wish to submit an organization for consideration must complete a Charitable Organization Fact Sheet and be ready to make a 5 minute or less presentation at the meeting to the members. That person may email [email protected] the link to their organization's website before the meeting so that it can be posted on the website and reviewed by members. Three organization names will be randomly drawn at the meeting of which the presenters will then have time to make their presentation. If there is an immediate/emergency need at the time of the meeting, it may be presented as one of the choices
- A Q&A session will take place immediately following each presentation and directly preceding Member voting.
- Each Member will vote by ballot. Teams of two or four members have only one vote. Majority rules. Even if your choice does not win, all Members are responsible for writing a check to the winning organization.
- Members and/or teams that are not in good standing with their donations cannot nominate an organization nor may they vote until they are current with their commitments.
- If a Member presents for a particular organization that is not chosen, the Member is still eligible to submit the same organization at subsequent meetings or until such charity is chosen. If a Member's charity is chosen, that charity is not eligible to be considered for future consideration, however, the Member is still eligible to submit the name of another charity.
- In the case of a two-way tie the membership will be provided with the names of the two organizations and a second vote will be taken. If the second vote results in another tie then we will randomly pick one of the two organizations out of a hat. In the case of a three-way tie we will randomly pick one of the three names out of a hat.
- In the event that only one (1) organization is nominated, the Secondary Bowl procedure will be enacted such that a total of three (3) nominations are made.
All nominees who at any general meeting were either previously not selected to present OR have had the opportunity to present but were not chosen to receive funds will automatically be eligible to be considered in the Secondary Bowl procedure if needed in the future. The names of eligible organizations will be recorded at each meeting and will be available for access if needed.
Up to three (3) names may be drawn from the “envelope”. At that time the membership will be asked the following:- Is a member present who understands and can attest to current financial and program needs of the selected organization and is able to present such information?
- Is the presenting member and/or member’s team current with their donations?
- The winning organizations must agree not to use the names of the Members for future solicitations or give member information out for any other public use or purpose. The organization is also required to send a representative to the next meeting to explain to the Membership how the funds have been used. See the Recipient Organization Requirements for details.
- Non-profit organizations that have received funding in the past will be allowed to submit a new request for funding after it has been three or more years. They must submit a new Charitable Organization Fact Sheet to be nominated.